The Workers’ Party of Ireland wishes to express its solidarity with the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) in light of the repression by the Greek state of its 47th annual commemoration of the uprising against the US backed dictatorship.
The uprising constituted a pivotal moment in modern European history, demonstrating that the Greek proletariat and youth were not intimidated by the dictatorship nor overawed by its support from American imperialism.
The revolt is directly responsible for the limited but nevertheless very real democratic space available in Greece today and, as such, the move by the Greek government to repress this year’s commemoration is a worrying development, not least in light of the spread of authoritarian capitalism across the globe in recent years.
The excuse of the Greek government that the current pandemic renders such commemorations unsafe is without foundation given the disciplined and health-conscious nature of the Communist Party which took the necessary precautions to maintain public health.
In light of the shift of so many left parties to being handmaidens of imperialism it is all the more imperative that the socialist and communist movement remember past struggles against imperialist and authoritarian regimes.
We salute, therefore, the KKE for its steadfast adherence to genuine anti-imperialist principles and call on the Greek government to respect the democratic freedoms won in 1973 rather than erode them.
International Section of the Workers’ Party of Ireland
International Secretary: Gavin Mendel-Gleason
Assistant: James O’Brien