A World Still to Win
Union Recognition – A Constitutional and Human Right
The Workers’ Party has published a new pamphlet, authored by Dr. Daryl D’Art, which traces the history of union recognition and social partnership in the Republic of Ireland, examines the possible legal obstacles to statutory recognition, and offers a way forward for the trade union movement.
It finds no constitutional obstacles to legislation that would allow for statutory trade union recognition and calls for legislation that confers an automatic unequivocal legal right to union recognition.
A World Still to Win: Union Recognition – a Constitutional and Human Right is available to download here:
Hard copies are available via info@workersparty.ie
Today, trade unions face the challenge of a transformed work environment, declining union density, and hostile legislation. This document is the second in a series published by the Workers’ Party which we hope will help to inform and arm the trade union movement in the battles ahead.