Jimmy Dignam

Jimmy Dignam

The Workers’ Party has hit out at the recommendations of the Low Pay Commision which, according to the party, had lived up to its name and delivered “a kick in the teeth” to low paid workers.

Workers’ Party Dublin North West representative Jimmy Dignam said that the 10 cent per hour increase the commission had recommended to the National Minimum Wage would not barely cover the bus fare for most low paid workers and was the most insulting and patronising decision the commission could possibly make.

“As the Workers’ Party pointed out at the time, the decision of the then Fine Gael / Labour Party coalition to establish a Low Pay Commission instead of ordering a realistic pay increase was inevitably going to fail workers. Packing that commission with a mix of business, former civil service and trade union figures was a recipe for further failure as it was balanced in favour of business and towards austerity politics”, said Dignam.

“This is the worst possible outcome for those on low pay”, said the Workers’ Party representative. “Far from a guarantee decent pay for workers this report is a rubber stamp for continued low paid employment, zero hour contracts and the race to the bottom”, said Jimmy Dignam