The Workers’ Party welcomes the decision by the British government to hold a public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane.

35 years after his murder, it is long overdue that a public inquiry takes place. The delays to this decision are no doubt tied to the fact the British state wishes to avoid uncovering the scale of collusion in murders in the north of Ireland. The Finucane family have shown great tenacity in pushing for the truth and we hope this decision will lead to some closure for them.

The evidence relating to the murder of Pat Finucane points overwhelmingly to state collusion. In 2012, British Prime Minister David Cameron even went so far as to issue an apology to the Finucane family, admitting “shocking levels of collusion.” Despite the admission, it has taken a further 12 years for the Finucane family to be finally granted an inquiry.

There is no doubt that this is only the tip of the iceberg. The British government must be held to account for their actions in colluding with paramilitaries of all hues, and enabling murders in the north of Ireland, and indeed around the world, over many years.

The Workers’ Party sends our solidarity to the Finucane family and to all those campaigning for truth and justice against state violence.