The Workers Party of Ireland sends warm comradely greetings to the Communist Party of India (Marxist) and extends its best wishes and solidarity to the CPIM for the 2019 Indian general election for the 17th Lok Sabha.

This is a crucial election at a time of increasing threat to the secular state and growing communal division. The restraints on the functioning of Parliament, interference in the judiciary, attacks on freedom of expression, curtailment of the rights of the working class and poor farmers, attacks on secularism including the communalisation of education and extreme violence against citizens and progressive forces, including increasingly violent assaults against women, religious minorities, Dalits and others are symptoms of an expanding menace to democratic rights and the secular state.
Simultaneously, the government’s aggressive pursuit of big business interests has exacerbated attacks on the living conditions of the working class and poor by reducing wages; aggressively attacking social protection, health, education, public employment and the provision of public services; eroding labour laws and rights in the workplace won through decades of struggle; dismantling public services; undermining political opposition and trade union activity; the dilution of land acquisition laws; increased privatisation and a strong emphasis on increasing foreign capital in all spheres of the economy; opening up the mineral wealth and natural resources of the country for exploitation by foreign capital and enhancing the opportunities for profit for the monopolies. These circumstances create the conditions for further deepening social inequalities and intensifying the exploitation of working people.
The deepening tensions between India and its neighbours and its ever closer links with the US and Israel represent a growing threat to peace. Capitalist exploitation and imperialist aggression and war remain a major threat to humanity.
The WPI wishes the CPIM success in the elections and believes that your actions will strengthen and consolidate the struggle for the rights of the working people of India and the defence of their interests. The WPI conveys its greetings and solidarity to the leadership and cadres of the CPIM. We look forward to the continued strengthening of relations between our two parties. Long live the Communist Party of India (Marxist)! For a democratic secular India! For workers’ and people’s rights! For socialism! Gerry Grainger International Secretary Central Executive Committee Workers Party of Ireland April 2019