In December, a UN independent human rights expert called on the United States to remove the sanctions against Syria warning that it may seriously impede the rebuilding of the countries destroyed infrastructure and increase the already devastating humanitarian situation which is currently heighted by Covid-19.

The United States were characteristically duplicitous when they first launched their sanctions titled ‘the Caesar Act’ back in June 2020 stating that they did not intend for them to cause harm to the Syrian population , a statement that was totally meaningless, sanctions always hurt civilians. Millions of people in Syria are already reliant on international aid, thousands of schools have been destroyed, and their health system is in ruins, only 58 per cent of hospitals are running.

The UN have stated that the Caesar Act ‘contains the most wide-ranging of US sanctions ever applied against Syria. It could target any foreigner helping in reconstruction on Syria, including employees of foreign companies and humanitarian operators helping to rebuild.’

The Syrian economy has been destroyed therefore it is vital it receives foreign assistance particularly when accessing humanitarian aid and rebuilding infrastructure. The US have made it even more difficult for foreign aid to be effectively managed as they have designated the Syrian Central Bank as a suspect in money laundering.

The Caesar Act raises profoundly serious concerns around human rights, it clearly ignores the Syrian peoples right to housing, health, education and a decent standard of living. The Workers’ Party call on President elect Biden to end the sanctions against Syria as a priority and support the rebuilding programme ensuring that the Syrian people can finally work towards having a decent standard of living.