
About Eilis Ryan

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So far Eilis Ryan has created 309 blog entries.

Statement on the Israeli declaration of the Jewish Nation State

The Workers Party of Ireland has condemned last week’s decision by the Israeli Knesset to pass the sectarian and racist law that defines Israel as the national homeland of the Jewish people and which asserts that "the realisation of the right to national self-determination in Israel is unique to the Jewish people", declaring, in effect, [...]

July 23rd, 2018|Comments Off on Statement on the Israeli declaration of the Jewish Nation State

Fixing leaks – not water charges – is what Waterford needs to prevent water shortages

Workers’ Party representative in Waterford, Dick Roche, has said that Irish Water should focus on fixing leaks in order to prevent further drought spells in the region. Roche said: “Households in Waterford use an average of 363 Litres of water every day. This is below both the national and European average, and a full 25% [...]

July 16th, 2018|Comments Off on Fixing leaks – not water charges – is what Waterford needs to prevent water shortages

Creation of single national water company is just a pretext for job losses

The Workers’ Party have criticised Minister Eoghan Murphy’s renewed proposal to remove water services from local authorities, stating it appears to be nothing more than a pretext for job losses. Responding to reports that Minister Murphy had brought the proposal to Cabinet last Thursday, Cllr. Ted Tynan, Workers’ Party, said: “Minister Murphy’s proposal to remove [...]

July 16th, 2018|Comments Off on Creation of single national water company is just a pretext for job losses

Queries raised over DanskeBank contract for Government Banking Services

The Workers’ Party have queried why the state will begin paying private bank DanskeBank to provide all government banking services, when it is the majority shareholder in AIB. Workers’ Party city councillor Éilis Ryan said: “Has the government forgotten that it is the majority shareholder in AIB? It would be a far more sensible economic [...]

July 15th, 2018|Comments Off on Queries raised over DanskeBank contract for Government Banking Services

FAI criticised for failing to police League of Ireland licensing system

The Workers' Party have called on the FAI to introduce emergency reviews of how League of Ireland licensing operates, following a decision by players in Bray Wanderers to take strike action in the coming weeks owing to lack of pay. Speaking in response to the planned strike, Workers' Party representative for Palmerstown / Lucan, David [...]

July 15th, 2018|Comments Off on FAI criticised for failing to police League of Ireland licensing system

Outrage as two Dublin Fire Brigade appliances kept off-road due to staff shortages

Two fire appliances in the ‘Bravo’ division of Dublin Fire Brigade (covering Dolphin’s Barn and Tallaght fire stations) were kept off the road this morning due to staff shortages, reducing the number of fire brigades in the area available to respond to emergency calls by 50%. This is according to information received by Workers’ Party [...]

July 13th, 2018|Comments Off on Outrage as two Dublin Fire Brigade appliances kept off-road due to staff shortages

Lloyds and Ryanair strikes show up poor conditions of private sector workers

Workers’ Party Councillor Éilis Ryan has said that today’s strikes by both Ryanair pilots and LloydsPharmacy workers are a stark reminder of the poor conditions faced by workers in the private sector. Cllr. Ryan said: “It is hugely courageous of these workers to take strike action, which can ultimately lead to gains not just for [...]

July 12th, 2018|Comments Off on Lloyds and Ryanair strikes show up poor conditions of private sector workers

Workers’ Party welcomes ban on Israeli Settlement Goods  

The Workers' Party has welcomed a Seanad vote in favour of a ban on the import of goods originating in illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine. Speaking following the vote this evening, Cllr. Ted Tynan (Workers' Party, Cork) said: "This victory was hard-won, fought for for decades by campaigners for the rights of the Palestinian people. [...]

July 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Workers’ Party welcomes ban on Israeli Settlement Goods  

Éilis Ryan to contest Dublin European elections 

Workers Party promises 'loud, smart, socialist' opposition The Workers' Party has announced it will be running Cllr. Éilis Ryan in the European elections for the Dublin constituency. Cllr. Ryan currently represents the North Inner City ward on Dublin City Council. Announcing the decision, Workers' Party President Mick Donnelly said: "Europe has been the source of [...]

July 11th, 2018|Comments Off on Éilis Ryan to contest Dublin European elections 

Statement of the European Communist on Attacks Against the Right to Strike

Bourgeois democracy makes proclamations regarding human rights in a very pretentious manner. Notwithstanding these formal proclamations, capitalism in practice denies any individual or collective right, whenever its implementation conflicts with the class interests of the bourgeoisie or the maximization of profit. In this sense, workers' rights, including the right to strike, are not an exception. [...]

July 6th, 2018|Comments Off on Statement of the European Communist on Attacks Against the Right to Strike